Saturday, November 19, 2005


volunteers at straw bale work day


news from floyd - November 20, 2005
posted by Suzy Nees

Many talented and hardworking volunteers came to the Jacksonville Center on Saturday to help raise the walls of the Center's new straw bale structure. Things are moving ahead nicely, according to Leon Davis, who is leading the project.

David & Leon in the interior of the straw bale structure

J. Kelley working with one of the hay bales.

The Jacksonville Center and SLEC would like to extend a warm thank you to all who participated on Saturday. Thanks to your efforts, construction on the straw bale structure is well underway.

Mud will go on the structure sometime in the next few weeks, as I understand it.

below - images of the SLEC area, volunteers, and the auz-bloc foundation


The straw bale construction project is ongoing. If you would like to be involved in this project as a volunteer or supporter, please contact Leon Davis via the Jacksonville Center.

image tags: sustainable living education center, green design, straw bale construction, virginia, volunteer, opportunity, floyd, jacksonville center, eco, destination, learning, tilth, resource management, school, training, architecture, vocation